Monday 16 May 2011

Rao Bahadur T. Rattinasami Nadar, founder of the Nadar Mahajana Sagham
The local Nadar associations of the six towns was not adequate enough to back up the widely spread Nadars. Many Nadars began to migrate to other parts of Madras Presidency. This situation demanded a new Nadar association which would support the Nadars faraway from the six towns of Ramanad. This expansion,however, would not be possible until the rise of Rao Bahadur T.Rattinasami Nadar, a wealthy Nadar of Poraiyar, Thanjavur district. He was politically ambitious and sought to become a member of the legislative assembly , representing the Nadar community. As there was no organization to represent the whole Nadar community, Rattinasami Nadar invited prominent leaders of the Nadar community for a plenary session in February 1910. Rattinasami Nadar's uncle, V. Ponnusami Nadar, was elected to become the first president of the association, Nadar Mahajana Sagham. The association was open to any Nadar male of any subcaste or religion. The general purpose of the association was to uplift the entire Nadar community. The conferences initially held were dominated by the Northern Nadars.

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